The article is devoted to a review of the biography and educational activities of the outstanding thinker, reformer of the Middle Ages and the founder of didactics - Jan Amos Comenius. It is determined that the key ideas of Comenius’s “Great Didactics” are the understanding of the importance of public education, which widely covers various fields of knowledge. The author emphasizes that J. Comenius in the seventeenth century. considered the right to education an inalienable right of every human being. It is determined that J. Comenius lived in the period of design of many sciences, and social unrest pushed him to think about their solution. He considered the spread of education among all segments of society and effectively organized education as a means of eliminating social defects. J. Comenius became the founder of modern pedagogy and was an outstanding public figure. The author of the article analyzes the biographical characteristics of David Smith of the educational activities of the medieval reformer – Comenius. The analysis is aimed at the theoretical design of the main worldview, religious and materialist positions. The study qualitatively combines the symbiosis of socio-philosophical categorical solutions and successful world progress. It is determined that Comenius was not only a scientist but also a deeply religious man. He believed in the eternal existence of the soul and the afterlife, although he partially departed from the traditional religious worldview. According to J. Comenius, the main purpose of education is to develop the human essence, which is present in everyone. He considered man to be the most perfect being, with an inalienable right to develop his talents. A properly educated person must apply his skills wisely to serve society. It is determined that the leading idea of J. Comenius was to summarize and bring together all known to mankind scientific knowledge. This process is called pansophy, it also implies that the scientific body should become the property of all mankind, regardless of race or nationality. The author concludes that Comenius did not yet have a holistic view of education and training.
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