About the Journal

"Graphe" is a scientific journal, which is a humanitarian and multidisciplinary platform for discussions on key issues of theology, religious studies, philosophy and history of religion for both professional researchers of Ukraine and abroad, as well as novice scientists.

Review process – this journal uses a double-anonymised model of peer review. Neither author nor reviewers know the identity of each other.

The journal's mission is to publish original articles, reviews and reviews on theology, religious studies, philosophy and the history of religion in Ukraine and the world from ancient times to the present. As well as raising the level of scientific research and developing international scientific cooperation within the framework of the outlined topic.

The purpose of the journal is to popularize the latest achievements and exchange advanced experience in the field of theology, to highlight topical problems of a theoretical and practical nature that arise in the field of theology, church history, and philosophy of religious studies. The editorial board welcomes interdisciplinary research and academic polemics on the pages of the magazine, considering it as a platform for presenting different points of view, worldview concepts, and methodological approaches to solving problems of Ukrainian and world history.

Our journal is open access (CC BY 4.0). This means that all the various options are displayed for free to users. Open access means that users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or find the full text of journal articles by reference without prior permission from the publisher and author.

The journal uses the open access Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

General Information

Founder of the publication: Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute.

Year of establishment: 2021

Type of publication by purpose: scientific, educational, theological.

Publication status: domestic.

Publication language: in mixed languages ​​(Ukrainian, English)

Sphere of distribution: national, foreign

Categories of readers: students, graduate students, teachers, theologians, religious scholars, historians, researchers of spiritual, moral and ethical norms of Christian ethics.

Program goals (main principles): promotion of scientific-theoretical, methodical qualification of scientific-pedagogical workers of higher education institutions, theological higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Specialties: 041 – Theology; 031 – Religious studies; 032 – History and archeology; 033 – Philosophy.

Professionalism: documents for obtaining professional status have been submitted.

Periodicity of issue: 2 times a year.

Legal address of the founder and his bank details:

Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute "Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute" str. Instytutska, 14, Bucha, Kyiv region, 08292. EDRPOU code: 30366752; Account in the format according to the IBAN standard: UA533218420000026006053136200; Name of the bank: KYIVSKE GRU JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"

Location of the editorial office: str. Instytutska, 14, Bucha, 08292